Srila Bhakti Ranjan Madhusudan Maharaj speaking on Monday September 25th 2023, with Srilekha Devi dasi, Saraswati Devi dasi and a truly international gathering of devotees & friends of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. Playlist…
fool (n.1)
early 13c., “silly, stupid, or ignorant person,” from Old French fol “madman, insane person; idiot; rogue; jester,” also “blacksmith’s bellows,” also an adjective meaning “mad, insane” (12c., Modern French fou), from Medieval Latin follus (adj.) “foolish,” from Latin follis “bellows, leather bag,” from PIE root *bhel- (2) “to blow, swell.”
The sense evolution probably is from Vulgar Latin use of follis in a sense of “windbag, empty-headed person.” Compare also SANSKRIT vatula- “insane,” literally “windy, inflated with wind.” But some sources suggest evolution from Latin folles “puffed cheeks” (of a buffoon), a secondary sense from plural of follis. One makes the “idiot” sense original, the other the “jester” sense.
Also used in Middle English for “sinner, rascal, impious person” (late 13c.). Meaning “jester, court clown” in English is attested c. 1300, though it is not always possible to tell whether the reference is to a professional entertainer counterfeiting mental weakness or an amusing lunatic, and the notion of the fool sage whose sayings are ironically wise is also in English from c. 1300. The French word probably also got into English via its borrowing in the Scandinavian languages of the vikings (Old Norse fol, Old Danish fool, fol).
Author: Bhakti Connect